Mobility impairment and accessibility to public buildings Research Survey

Hello, my name is Margaret Stefanitsis, and I am a doctoral candidate researching accessibility to public buildings (all buildings except homes) for people with mobility impairments. This includes those with a physical disability that affects the lower half of their bodies and normally need the assistance of (wheelchairs, mobility scooters, walker’s, canes, or crutches) to mobilise.

Accessibility to these buildings has become a central issue for persons with mobility impairment(s) (MI) globally, however many able-bodied people have no idea of the apprehension mobility impaired people experience when approaching a building for the first time.

I am currently recruiting participants to survey for this research and the questions being asked will help me to collect data on this specific issue for the first time in New Zealand. I would be very grateful if you would help me with my research, which will be shared with legal experts and asking them for their help to change the laws/regulations that do not enforce the removal of barriers in buildings and their surroundings, if we can achieve this it will allow people with disabilities to have a better quality of life.

If you would like to participate in the survey by the end of September click on this link.

If you are interested in participating in this research, or have any questions, please contact me. You can reach me at:


Phone: 09 521 1223 and here is the link to the survey


Margaret Stefanitsis

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